Preview - Charge Interactions Chem/Phys

Charged Parallel Plates

Create two charged “plates,” one positive and one negative by putting 10-20 negative charges in a line and then 10-20 positive charges in a line below the negative charges.


Please answer the questions below.

Sketch what you think the field lines would look like in the area between the plates, as well as around the outside of the plates.

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below

Check the box, “Electric Field,” and consider your prediction from question 5.1. Was your prediction correct?

If you placed a positive test charge in between the plates, where would it move? Why?

This simulation shows electric field lines for a fixed dipole charge distribution. Click "setup," and then click the screen to place a positive charge somewhere in the field. Now click "go" to see how the positive charge moves in response to the field. Do this a few times, placing the charge in different locations.

Did you test several initial locations for a positive charge?

Does the positive test charge move along field lines? Why or why not?

What type of motion (constant velocity vs. accelerated) is the charge experiencing? How is the field contributing to the charge's motion? How can your prior knowledge about forces and motion explain what you see?

(Use this question as an opportunity to tie all the pieces together and really show me what you know!)


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.